K2 WWW Snowboard
The K2 WWW Snowboard (thats World Wide Weapon, though we suggest keeping that on the DL so the Feds dont come after you) is the K2 teams jibber of choice. The WWW is fully prepared for any rail-infested environment, whether you assault downtown or terrorize the terrain park. Built to spin, the WWW has a true twintip design and centered stance for balanced swing weight and seamless fakie transitions. The short nose and tail give you extra effective edge (K2 calls this its Jib Tip tech), meaning you can ride a 152cm if youre usually on a 158cm. The soft flex lets you smear nose and tail presses like butta. The core tapers toward the tip and tail to reduce swing weight, so you can finally nail that 900 youre so close to stomping.
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