Cutter Drome Cable Lock
Sling Cutters Drome Cable Lock over your shoulder and get your ass downtown. Whether youre rollin your Burning Man cruiser or your track-worthy fixed gear into town, Cutters armor-covered Drome Cable Lock puts your cherished ride on lockdown. Long enough to wear over a shoulder, lock around a tree, and fit both your steed and your forgetful buddys, this thicker-than-a-chubby-kids-thumb cable lock seats you at the bar completely free of bike-theft paranoia. Plus, striking fear into the hearts of car windows everywhere, the Drome is a weighty deterrent against raging motorists. Cutter hooks you up with two keys that have to be turned simultaneously like nuclear strike code keys to work. Just kidding, the keys are normal. Cutter just figures youll lose keys like Russia loses nukes. Shit happens, right?
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